.. _changelog: Changelog ========= Releases -------- - 0.13.0: - **The end**: This library has been retired. Thanks for the interest. - 0.12.0: - **Version compatibility**: This library now supports Python 3.8 and higher. - **Breaking change**: This library now requires a Redis server at version 5.0.0 or above. - **Version compatibility** - This library now supports `redis-py` versions up to 6.0.0. - 0.11.0: - **Version compatibility**: This library now supports Python 3.7 and higher. - **Version compatibility** - This library now supports `redis-py` version 4.x (thanks to lionelnicolas). The minimum supported version is now 3.5.x. - 0.10.0: - **Bending change**: The Syncable collections (like ``SyncableDict``) have been updated such that their ``.sync()`` methods are atomic. This requires additional storage on Redis when syncing, so be aware of space constraints. - 0.9.1: - **Version compatibility** - The collection classes now accept a ``hmset_command`` keyword argument. This is set to ``hmset`` for compatibility with Redis server versions before 4.0.0. Set it to ``hset`` to avoid a ``DeprecationWarning`` from `redis-py`. - 0.9.0: - **Breaking change**: The Python 2-style methods ``.iteritems()``, ``.iterkeys()``, and ``.itervalues()`` have been removed from ``Dict`` and its subclasses. The ``.iter()`` method was also removed. - **Version compatibility**: This library now supports Python 3.6 and higher. - **Dictionary merge and update operators**: ``Dict`` instances now support the ``|`` and ``|=`` operations. See `PEP 584 `_ for details. - 0.8.1: - **Version compatibility**: This library now supports `redis-py` version 3.5.x. The minimum supported version remains 3.1.0. - 0.8.0: - **Version compatibility**: This library now supports `redis-py` version 3.4.x. The minimum supported version remains 3.1.0. - 0.7.1: - **Version compatibility**: This is a bugfix release to pin the `redis-py` dependency to below 3.4.0. A future version will add support for `redis-py` 3.4.0 and above. - 0.7.0: - **Breaking change**: This library now supports Python versions 3.4 and later. The last version with Python 2.7 support is 0.6.0. - 0.6.0: - **Breaking change**: This library now requires a Redis server at version 2.8.0 or above. - **Breaking change**: This library now depends `redis-py` version 3.1.0 or above. - **New collection**: Added the ``GeoDB`` collection, a high-level interface for Redis's GEO commands. - 0.5.2: - **Documentation updates**: This was a documentation-only release with no code changes from 0.5.0 - 0.5.1: - **Requirements updates**: This release added the `six` library to the ``setup.py`` requirements; it had been missing before. - 0.5.0: - **Breaking change**: This library now requires `redis-py` 3.0.0+. - **Breaking change**: Data is now pickled using the highest protocol version supported by Python. You can specify the ``pickle_protocol`` with a keyword argument - see :ref:`usage-notes`. To connect to a collection created with an older version of this package, set ``pickle_protocol=None``. See also `PR #101 `_. - **Python support**: Python 3.3 is no longer supported. - 0.4.2: - **Domain sockets support**: This is a bugfix release that enables connecting to a Redis server over a Unix domain socket. - 0.4.1: - **SCAN methods**: Redis-specific ``scan_`` methods on ``Dict`` (and its subclassess), ``Set``, and ``SortedSetCounter``. See `PR #97 `_ for details. - **Initialization changes**: Collections no longer query Redis at instantiation - thanks to ArminGruner. - 0.4.0: - **Syncable collections**: ``SyncableDict``, ``SyncableList``, ``SyncableSet``, and others are collections that hold items locally (which speeds up operations), but can sync them with Redis (which provides persistence). - **Offload to Redis**: ``LRUDict`` is a dict-like collection that holds a limited number of items locally, pushing least-recently used items to a Redis Hash. - **Sorted Set collection**: ``SortedSetCounter`` is a Pythonic interface to the Redis Sorted Set structure. It behaves a bit like a Counter, but its values are restricted to floating point numbers. - **Version compatibility**: ``Set.random_sample`` now works for Redis servers under version 2.6.0 See the `GitHub Releases page `_ for information on earlier releases.