Usage notes


By default, a Redis key is generated when you create a new collection:

>>> from redis_collections import Dict

>>> D = Dict()
>>> D['answer'] = 42
>>> D.key

If you specify a key when creating a collection you can retrieve what was stored there previously:

>>> E = Dict(key='fe267c1dde5d4f648e7bac836a0168fe')
>>> E['answer']

This should even work across processes, meaning if your Python script terminates, you can retrieve its data again from Redis.

Each collection allows you to delete its Redis key with the clear method:

>>> D.clear()
>>> list(D.items())


Stored objects are serialized with Python-standard pickling. By default, the highest protocol version is used. It’s not recommended to retrieve objects created by one version of Python with another version. If you attempt to do that, be sure to set the pickle_protocol keyword argument to a version that both Python versions support when declaring a collection.

Redis connection

By default, collections create a new Redis connection when they are instantiated. This requires no configuration, but is inefficient if you are using multiple collections. To share a connection among multiple collections, create one (with redis.StrictRedis) and pass it using the redis keyword when creating the collections.

>>> from redis import StrictRedis
>>> conn = StrictRedis()
>>> D = Dict(redis=conn)
>>> L = List(redis=conn)

A collection’s copy method creates new a instance that uses the same Redis connection as the original object:

>>> conn = StrictRedis()
>>> list_01 = List([1, 2], redis=conn)
>>> list_02 = list_01.copy()  # result is using the same connection

Operations on two collections backed by different Redis servers will be performed in Python:

>>> list_1 = List((1, 2, 3), redis=StrictRedis(port=6379))
>>> list_2 = List((4, 5, 6), redis=StrictRedis(port=6380))
>>> list_1.extend(list_2)


Storing a mutable object like a list in a Dict or a List can lead to surprising behavior. Because of Python semantics, it’s impossible to automatically write to Redis when such an object is retrieved and modified.

>>> D = Dict({'key': [1, 2]})  # Store a mutable object
>>> D['key'].append(3)  # Retrieve and modify the object
>>> D['key']  # Retrieve the object from Redis again
[1, 2]

If you plan to work with mutable objects, be sure to specify writeback=True when instantiating your collection. This will keep a local cache that is flushed to Redis when the sync method is called:

>>> D = Dict({'key': [1, 2]}, writeback=True)
>>> D['key'].append(3)
>>> D['key']  # Modifications are retrieved from the cache
[1, 2, 3]
>>> D.sync()  # Flush cache to Redis

You may also use a with block to automatically call the sync method.

>>> with Dict({'key': [1, 2]}) as D:
...     D['key'].append(3)
>>> D['key']  # Changes were automatically synced
[1, 2, 3]

The writeback option is automatically enabled for DefaultDict objects.

Hashing dictionary keys and set elements

Python takes care to make sure that equal numeric values, such as 1.0 and 1, have the same hash value. If you add 1.0 to a set or a dict, you will not be able to add 1, as an equal value is already stored.

The Redis-backed Dict and Set classes in this library attempt to follow this behavior, but there are some differences. For the built-in Python collections, you get back the first value you stored:

>>> python_dict = {}
>>> python_dict[1.0] = 'one'  # 1.0 stored first
>>> python_dict[1] = 'One'  # 1 stored second
>>> list(python_dict.keys())  # 1.0 is retrieved

For the Redis-backed collections, you’ll get back the integer:

>>> redis_dict = Dict()
>>> redis_dict[1.0] = 'one'  # 1.0 stored first
>>> redis_dict[1] = 'One'  # 1 stored second
>>> list(redis_dict.keys())  # 1 is retrieved

This behavior applies to complex, float, Decimal, and Fraction values that have an integer equivalent. It doesn’t apply to values that don’t have an integer equivalent (such as 1.1 or complex(1, 1)).

Security considerations

Collections use pickle, which means you should never retrieve data from a source you don’t trust.

For example: suppose you maintain a web application that has user profiles. Users can submit their name, birthday, and a brief biography; and ultimately this is information stored in a Redis hash. Do not attach a redis_collection.Dict instance to that hash key - a user could construct a string that gives them the ability to execute arbitrary code with your Python process’s privileges.

Subclass customization

Collections use uuid.uuid4() for generating unique keys. If you are not satisfied with that function’s collision probability you may sublclass a collection and override its _create_key() method.

If you don’t like how pickle does serialization, you may override the _pickle* and _unpickle* methods on the collection classes. Using other serializers will limit the objects you can store or retrieve.